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The Game Shakers

Special Event 14 Oct. Palais des festivals, Cannes, France

The Game Shakers

Esport goes mainstream, Esports BAR Game Shakers celebrates the game changers!

Esports is progressively growing beyond its original core community. Still, it’s a long road to a mainstream destination!

While the esports sector is on the verge of becoming a global-scale economy, some barriers still hinder non-endemic companies from fully embracing its potential.

Some companies, such as media outlets, brands, TV or event producers, still need evidence that esports is the next big thing, and that the esports industry is structured to meet its full growth potential.

True or false?

By highlighting business initiatives that have reached mainstream audiences, Esports BAR wants to help esports get a wider recognition and credibility amongst the non-endemic world.

We want to help non-endemic companies get to know and understand esports better. And we want to highlight esports’ high degree of professionalism.

This is why we created The Game Shakers, the one and only esports B2B international prize!

The 2020
Game Shakers categories

The Esports Shaker of the Year – an outstanding personality who has raised esports awareness around the world.

The Media Shaker – a project associating esports and a media that has reached new audiences, beyond esports’ core base.

The Brand Shaker - a project associating esports and a brand that has reached new audiences, beyond esports’ core base.

The Sport Shaker - a project associating esports and a sport that has reached new audiences, beyond esports’ core base.

The Community Shaker - An esports organization who has worked to strengthen its fan base engagement and widen its community to reach a new audience and raise awareness of esports.

International reach

Esports is global, its recognition is spreading across the world. The Game Shakers prides itself on being the one and only truly international event to reward the esports sector.

And we can prove it! Just take a look at our international jury, composed of top level, forward-thinking execs from the US, Brazil, China, UK, Germany, France and Sweden...

Independent policy

Esports BAR organiser, Reed MIDEM, wants to ensure that there is total transparency when it comes to nominating and voting for the esports Game Shakers.
Nominating and voting rules are transparent. Individual jury members cannot vote for a Game Shaker that comes from their company.


The event will be held February 11th, 2020

Organised by Reed MIDEM
Member of Reed Exhibitions
in association with
Rafe Production
RELX Group